The most recent data we have are from the Health Council of Canada, a study published at the beginning of 2008, based on 2007 data. This is survey data. It's a survey of Canadians. It found that 14% of Canadians don't have access to a regular family physician. If you translate that into raw numbers, that's 4.6 million Canadians. And this number was widely reported.
Not so widely reported, but included in the same Health Council report, was the following fact: of that 14%, 10% had access to a regular place of care. These are people who are using clinics, community-based health services. They don't consider themselves to have a regular physician, but they may have a team of physicians who serve them. When you look at it that way, the number goes up to 96% of Canadians with access to either a regular physician or a regular place of care. So it's a much smaller number than was reported.
There are a considerable number of students in the pipeline now. We would expect that as these students graduate from undergrad medical education and take their residencies, we would have the prospect of significantly addressing the shortages that remain.