Good afternoon, everyone. I certainly want to welcome our guests to the committee today. We're very excited about having you here. We started a study on human resources and the problems we're facing now with human resources. We started that in the spring, and as a committee we were very anxious to get back to that study. So pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the study on health human resources, we have our witnesses here.
From the Department of Health we have Kathryn McDade, director general of health care policy. We have Shelagh Jane Woods, director general of the primary health and public health directorate, first nations and Inuit. From the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada we have Helga Loechel, director with the Foreign Credentials Referral Office. From the Department of Human Resources and Skills Development we have Jean-François LaRue, director general of labour market integration, and Brendan Walsh, manager of labour mobility and the immigration portal.
We will start with the Department of Health, with Kathryn McDade. You have a 10-minute presentation, and then we'll go to the next witnesses.