The issue of health care reform, and particularly reform relating to primary care, is high on the agenda for many provinces, and particularly the development of inter-professional practice as well. We appended to our submission the results of a large national study we had done in terms of the changes that needed to be made with respect to pharmacy human resource policy, and we're beginning to see some of those changes.
Our large “Blueprint for Pharmacy” project is really going to be aimed at bringing the profession together in one place and communicating to provincial governments some of the changes, but change management in health care is a complicated process. One of the things we've identified is that you actually need integrated changes in five areas: education and training; information technology; pharmacy human resources; legal, regulatory and liability; and financial viability and sustainability.
I think the work is going on. I think it needs some further funding for research. Funding for the EICP project is a good example. But the professions are engaged in communicating this and taking our own initiatives to begin to move this sort of thing forward.