Thank you.
Yes, as you know, we do have a comprehensive citizen readiness marketing campaign that's been under way since April/May. Right now we're moving into the month of December so we'll be doing some messaging to the general population.
On what you pointed out, we have research rolling polls that are showing certain pockets of the population that don't have the pickup as much as some others. So in the first of the year, we're looking to start what we call drilling down into those target audiences to find out who the people are who aren't getting the vaccine.
Dr. Butler-Jones is right that the research is showing us right now that the 18- to 35-year-olds are the population that's a bit loosey-goosey, for lack of the technical term, about getting the vaccine.
The majority of our communications at this point has been targeted at the general population. Moving into the new year, we will be looking at which people we need to really go to now, the people who seem to have the information but don't seem to be taking the necessary action we want them to take. Of course, our goal always is to give people the information they need so they can take the right decision for themselves.