First of all, we review all events. We will be reviewing this, working with the provinces and territories, with experts and with others. We will continue to do that. We've already learned lessons from the first wave. We've applied them in the second wave, and we'll continue to do that.
In terms of all of the questions, actually, the bottom line is that we work very closely with the provinces and territories. These decisions are joint decisions. The issue of having a domestic contractor for vaccine was supported by all provinces and territories; it was reviewed just before the pandemic. We have that in place. It has given us the most secure supply in the world. It's the same with the issue of access to the unadjuvanted vaccine. That was a request from the provinces that we, working with the manufacturer, were able to oblige.
On the risk categories, that is also done jointly with provinces and territories. It was something they agreed to; it was their view. It did not delay any delivery of vaccine.
All of these things are being done all along the way, jointly with provinces and territories. The best public health expertise in the country is trying to address each of these issues as we move forward.
The confusion has not been among public health. The confusion has resulted from drawing on claims and expectations from others who really don't understand or don't have inside knowledge on what's actually happening and what we're able to address.