Thank you, Madam Chair.
I'd like to thank the member for that question.
This legislation we've introduced, Bill C-6, on the safety of consumer products, is long overdue in Canada. The legislation we're dealing with is 40 years old. The legislation introduced that is before Senate as we sit here will allow Health Canada to do mandatory recalls when we discover unsafe products in the market. It will allow us to work with industry when there are complaints about products or incidents with products—cribs and so on. It will allow them to report incidents of that nature to us so we can monitor at a national level which products may be unsafe.
As it is right now, we do not have the authority to do that. We do not have the authority to do mandatory recalls. In fact, we have to beg, negotiate, and consult to remove unsafe products from our shelves. So I hope the senators will think about the young children out there.
I have a son, as you said. My concern is to ensure that parents have the confidence that the products they buy from the shelves, particularly around Christmas, are safe and there is no lead, and so on.
This legislation would allow Canada to also catch up to other countries like the United States that have mandatory reporting and recall. In fact, we would not have learned of the crib recall had we not received the information from the United States. It's important that we catch up to other countries to ensure that the products coming into our country are safe, and that we protect the health and safety of Canadians.
Thank you, Madam Chair.