Thank you.
What I'd like to raise is that the work of this committee requires us to follow up our work. Just as you want to see the health human resources study furthered and completed and reported back, so too must we as a committee take this seriously and do our homework and do a report.
Having lost the motion, which actually calls upon the Prime Minister to reconsider, I feel it is still incumbent upon us to report back something. So I've tried to incorporate the kind of sentiment Carolyn Bennett has brought to the committee, which is the fact that if the government goes ahead with this appointment, it's going to have a heck of a problem, because in fact this guy is going to have to recuse himself more times than not. That's the straight fact of the matter.
The motion is an attempt to say that because of this conflict of interest, it's going to impede him in his duties, and therefore we express this concern to Parliament.