Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
I want to thank the witnesses for being here today. When I knew that both of you were coming I was kind of excited, because one of the criticisms I always get as a politician is that people say the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing, and it seems that today we have a great opportunity because we have both hands right here in front of us at committee.
I wanted to ask a particular question, and it's directed to Mr. Maxwell.
You mentioned that the 2006 report was quite deficient, and here we have Health Canada in front of us and they've responded with the 2008 report. I thought Madam Dodds did a great presentation here. She's indicated that in Healthy Canadians 2008 they're going to be adding 19 new indicators.
What do you think of that? We have you here in the room now and I think it's a unique situation. Health Canada is saying what they have in this report coming up, but they also outline in 2010 what they would like to do: provide more data for first nations and Inuit health from Aboriginal Peoples Surveys, work with other federal departments, etc. In the spirit of efficiency and accountability, do you have some suggestions or comments for Health Canada proactively? What do you think?