Thank you, Madam Chair. I'll be brief.
There are really two levels, I would say, where activity has to go on. First of all, Health Canada really needs to get together with all of the other players here. You mentioned the CIHI, the PHAC, and Statistics Canada. When you look at what's been published, there's clearly an opportunity to make some low-hanging fruit, as I would characterize it. There are clearly a lot of things they could be doing, the least of which is simply interpreting the data that they already have.
In the report, there are many examples both provincially and within the federal family, including the chief public health officer's own report, where very insightful interpretation is provided, sometimes with quite limited data. A lot more could be done. But in the longer term are the opportunities that come from improving the indicator set and the data sources. Again, we were quite disappointed to see that four editions into this--eight years--things have been relatively stable, with very little improvement. Again, we're encouraged to see some of the steps that are being taken.