Mr. Maxwell, Ms. Dodds, and of course Ms. Dyer, Ms. Bertrand, everybody who's here, Ms. Dubé, Mr. Wheeler—I don't want to leave anyone out—I have to say that all of you have been contributors to this conversation today and to these questions. We really appreciate your coming. I know each one of us has gained a lot of insight from some of your questions and answers today to some of the questions we had. We really felt this was a real treat for our committee.
So thank you so much for doing that. And I would bid you goodbye. I'm sorry, we have to go right into another part of our committee, but certainly we will contact you again and speak with you on some of these issues. Thank you.
Committee, while our guests are departing, we'll talk about our future business. I think we need to go in camera for this. So we'll suspend for just a couple of minutes to allow our guests to depart as we go in camera.
[Proceedings continue in camera]