I hear what you're saying. I thank you for your assurances, but I'm a little concerned and wary about leaving everything to regulation. We've been down that path before. We lose control as parliamentarians. Unless we require and pass a motion that says all regulations must come before this committee, as we've done with reproductive technologies, and we're still waiting--I think about eight years after the fact--I'm not confident we have any assurances we're going to achieve the desired results. We're hearing some very significant concerns, and I think we need to be able to tell the academic community something more than to just wait for the regulations.
So I'd like to hear about that, and then of course the other suggestion around something more concrete than simply saying we deal with external advisory committees all the time, or it's part of the process...something. If it's not in the law and we're going to leave it to regulations, then we need something we have some relationship with, some way to hold accountability and transparency.