That is certainly the case as regards the risk for the community. If a person is sick with a Level 2 or Level 3 pathogen, he can still die. But it is not the same thing.
I was not consulted about Bill C-54, nor were any of the colleagues I know. But we were informed. The member of Parliament for our constituency, the former member, that is—Luc Harvey, from the Conservative Party—was also very active. He arranged for us to visit the offices of the Public Health Agency of Canada. He came to the Université Laval to discuss the matter. He was surprised that we were shocked.
This is great now! We are being consulted on Bill C-11. I understand that the consultation is going to continue. Everyone is in favour of making the public safer. Some practices already exist and have proved their worth. If we can improve them, can have a framework, so much the better. Do we feel reassured that Health Canada tells us that there is now going to be a regulatory framework that is going to weaken the law, change it, or express it differently? We are people of good will. If we are asked for our opinions and our efforts so that the law is as proactive as possible, we will participate.