I briefly mentioned inadequate infrastructure. To establish a level 2 containment laboratory, you have to buy the proper biological safety cabinets. If you do not have them, they will cost you $20,000. Where is that money going to come from? Building and maintaining a level 3 containment laboratory is extremely expensive. It must also be certified. As to all the administrative requirements, if the researcher does not look after it all himself, the university or institution has to hire people to do it. Those costs all add up, but nowhere does it say who is going to pay them.
I get a grant of $120,000 per year from the CIHR, but I do not know what portion of that grant will be used to take care of the requirements of the bill. Will it be 10%, 20%? I do not know. I cannot give you exact figures because we have not faced the situation yet. Whatever it is, I know that laboratory equipment is expensive and it is not at all clear how it is to be acquired and paid for.