Yes. SCRAP-TB stands for strategic community risk assessment and program for TB. It began in B.C. It was a way to involve the community, engage the community, and develop champions for TB within the first nations communities, to assist with the TB control program.
One of the other important aspects of it is that it wasn't a program that said you have to do it this way--a template. It was more of a way to say that we know that one size doesn't fit all. We've been talking about this problem all morning, saying words like “aboriginal”, as though it's a homogeneous group, which it isn't. And even among first nations we know there are many first nations at different stages with different players, different people, and different cultures. We need to recognize that. That's the kind of program that is being developed, to have people within the community become more aware of TB and become involved in the TB process, raise awareness, improve, participate in some of the directly observed therapy programs for tuberculosis.