Thank you.
I think one of the limitations the federal government has in all of this is that the accountability of the FNI regions is nil. Money is given to each of the FNI regions to support their TB programs, but there is no accountability and no expectation that these regions are accountable for the dollars they are reporting on an annual basis. In fact, we rely on the provinces and territories to determine who the first nations and Inuit cases are, and we only get this data through the Public Health Agency; we don't get this through FNIHB.
The report we referred to on the evaluation of the cluster demonstrates that even FNIHB doesn't know the number of cases and the amount of money that's being spent, because of their lack of control over the region. That's how the structure is in place. It's certainly not their fault, but it does mean that the vulnerability of the communities is not what Ottawa decides but what each of the FNI regions decide. Somehow there will have to be some changes within the strategy that demands a level of accountability by the FNI regions on these programs.