Thank you.
There are a number of communities—probably only five or six, actually—that seem to be the epicentre of the outbreak. These communities in the past have asked FNIHB to do entire community screenings. That's not an unreasonable request by international standards. If there are high rates of TB and frequent outbreaks within a community, one is encouraged to screen the entire community, looking for latent TB cases.
In Garden Hill, for example, when Chief Harper came to Ottawa in 2006 and asked FNIHB to support the entire community screening, he was told there was insufficient evidence to suggest this would be required. Not only that, it would require nursing staff around the clock for at least a year. With the nursing shortages, nobody had nurses, and there would not be sufficient funds to be able to support one community having 3,000 people screened. If you ask the TB experts who are in the room today, asking for community screening at that level is not an unreasonable request.