Thank you for the questions. Those are very complex questions. I'll try to give a very quick answer.
The first nations and Inuit health branch strategy is under renewal. We've had a strategy for a long time, but we haven't renewed it in a very long time.
I wouldn't say there are different standards; as you know from other testimony from many other people here, our regional offices tend to follow the clinical care guidelines, the practices, and the standards of the provinces in which they find themselves, and those standards do not differ markedly. There may be different approaches, but the standards are all pretty well the same. I don't think there is a lack of a plan. As I say, we are updating the plan. That's important work that we have to do with our partners.
I'm not sure it's lack of money, but that's one of the things that renewal of the strategy will tell us. We are always able to find the money to cover the outbreaks when they occur, which is not necessarily a sign of good planning, but at least it's a good response.
I'll try to do justice to the social determinants of health. Yes, we understand how important it is. We've spent a number of years working with our partners at the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, for example. There is a much greater recognition of the importance of the social determinants of health to their work, not just to ours. I think we can make some breakthroughs with them, but it's going to take a concerted effort.
On housing, I agree with the things people have said. Of course, overcrowding is a very big issue. We obviously have to do a lot of work with the Assembly of First Nations and then at the regional level with first nations organizations and with the communities themselves. That's exactly how we're doing the renewal of this strategy and all the other activities that take place.
I'm sorry about the shortness of time. We definitely are trying to treat tuberculosis not as just a separate disease but more as a bellwether of the social determinants of health. That's definitely the approach we're trying to take.