First of all, there is evidence that children are more sensitive to this form of radiation, although very little research has been done on this. That's a study that came out just last year, written by Dr. Lennart Hardell from Sweden. With cellphone radiation, he found that when he looked at individuals who used cellphones, there was an increase in something called ipsilateral tumours, which are tumours on the same side of head that you use the cellphone. This was found for glioma, the brain tumour; for acoustic neuroma, a tumour that affects the auditory nerve; and for uveal melanoma, which affects the eye. He also found that if you looked at children who were under the age of 20 when they first started using cellphones, their risk increased to 420%, whereas the risk for adults was much lower than that. So we do know that children are much more sensitive to any type of environmental contaminant and certainly this one as well.
When it comes to the number of references and where these references are, I'm in Maryland right now and I have just had meetings with a Dr. Glaser, who has one of the best collections of microwave references. He worked with the U.S. military. He was in the navy and began to collect these in the 1960s. So he has a collection that extends beyond 6,000 references. Many of them are from the military, some of them come from eastern European countries, and he's making them available to the public. So this will be available and anyone can read them. He's one of the leading experts in this. So Canada is going to have access to, I think, one of the best references that we can rely on.
I think it's absolutely critical that instead of doing a long-term study and waiting 10 to 15 years, it's really important that we begin to limit exposure. That doesn't necessarily mean changing what we're doing right now. For example, if you put an antenna on top of an apartment building, you can simply put shielding devices underneath those antennas to protect the tenants on the top floor.
So there are ways to minimize our exposure without changing the use of this particular type of technology.