I want to thank Mr. Cardin for his comment.
We mentioned Web sites that provide information on the health effects. The official Web sites of Industry Canada, the GSMA and the CWTA provide a lot of information. But all of them deny the existence of the electrosensitivity problem on their Web sites. None of the sites acknowledge the illness, which is related to microwave exposure.
You asked whether we could work together to find a solution. It will be necessary to establish a basis for understanding at some point. First and foremost, what has to happen is that the industry must recognize the existence of electrosensitivity problems. That is what we need to do now. Not only do they not recognize that electrosensitivity exists, but all of them also refer, on their Web sites—which concerned parents such as Mr. Carrie check—to the World Health Organization's study in which the subjects had a predisposition to electrosensitivity as a result of psychiatric problems. Anyone looking for information on these official Web sites will see that.
There are people who are exposed to microwaves through relay antennas, as Magda Havas mentioned in her presentation and according to emails sent to you by a number of Canadians. One could think that the public no longer has faith in the safety standards. So there is a societal problem. What happens when the public no longer believes what the authorities tell them about safety? That is the question that needs to be asked.
It is time to stop denying this reality and to recognize it. Then we need to realize that the microwave issue should no longer be viewed from a scientific standpoint. We cannot think that tomorrow two researchers will discover that microwaves are harmful. The proof is that the more studies there are to show the harmful effects, the more studies there will be to show the opposite.