This has been problematic for a number of years in terms of how Canada deals with borders. This is something our company deals with all the time. Border crossings and cross-border products are problematic.
As was pointed out, there have been some very substantial improvements made in the Canadian diet. The fast-food industry, virtually and almost without exception, has made the transfer. All the national bakeries have made the transfer as well. We're dealing with trans fatty acids coming from hydrogenation.
There are other sources of trans fatty acids that, as we're measuring, also have to be brought into it to understand it. There are trans fatty acids coming from meat and dairy products, so when you get down to these very low levels of 1%, there has to be an understanding of what is left over from the other sources to make sure that everybody understands the progress that has been made by the industry. Certainly I cannot think of one application in which there is not a non-trans formulation available to a user or an industry group. There are sometimes cost issues and functionality issues in how they run their plants, but there are options for virtually every application now.