There was a goal to get down to that point in that time, but you're giving them an extension. Okay.
Here is where I'm going with this. We know that this is a poison that has absolutely nothing good to do with our health. We know we weren't using it before the 1970s. We have spent from the mid-1990s to today on it, and we are still 70% over a guideline that is higher than the health benefit.
Do you think there is a possibility that Health Canada could be sued by families of victims, who might claim that Health Canada has been negligent in the role of overseeing the food supply and using all levers, regulatory or non-regulatory, to achieve the targeted health outcomes as you have stated them? Are Health Canada and the people of Canada vulnerable to being sued, as happened around tobacco, for knowingly allowing a poison, knowingly extending deadlines, and not using the levers and taking the actions available to them?