In all of our activities--and I will watch for the red light diligently--and in all of the work that we produce, we have a very robust consultation process. Often it's web-based, often followed up with opportunities for key stakeholders to come and present and speak to the committee itself. Certainly the framework itself went through numerous iterations of consultations through the web, through paper, and through forums that were pulled together and shared in large stakeholder multi-party groups. We have always had a very consultative approach to this, and that has only increased over time.
To your specific question around provincial role and autonomy, I think it's something we're quite conscious of. Quebec sits at our table but does not necessarily contribute financially; however, they are a very active player, and we learn a tremendous amount from their observer status, to be honest. They're leaders in numerous ways in health human resources. We're very careful, in the types of activities we pick for ACHDHR, to be respectful of individual jurisdictional roles and responsibilities. The types of things we select for the pan-Canadian activities are carefully selected, and every jurisdiction always has an opportunity to participate in different levels or ways. Often Quebec takes more of an observer role in these, but their comments are always welcomed and documented, and their valuable insights are always incorporated into the final documents if they so wish.
I apologize if I didn't answer the question.