I think we are.
I'll ask Debra Gillis to give you some more of the detail, but I would say in opening that it's one of the things that we turned our minds to very early. In fact, it's something that bedevilled us for many years when we had our small Indian and Inuit health careers program, before the AHHRI.
We recognized right away that gathering data, as in all aspects of our work, is a very difficult issue, compounded in our case by issues like self-identification. If somebody doesn't want to identify as aboriginal, they don't have to, so it's very hard to get accurate counts, there are different ways of keeping data in different provincial and territorial systems. Those are the kinds of things we deal with all the time.
We have set some work under way, and I'll ask Debra Gillis to give you a little bit more of the detail on that.