Good morning, everyone. I'm pleased to commence our meeting this morning on rare disorders. My name is Joyce Murray. I'm sitting in for our regular chair, Joy Smith.
I want to welcome all the witnesses and guests. I hope you've had a chance to fill up a plate and have a bit of breakfast.
We have a bit of a different format than is usual in our meeting, so I'll just touch on it for the benefit of the guests and the committee members. The format of the session is an interactive round table. We'll begin the round table with brief introductions from our guests. Then there will be an open discussion, questions and discussion, among the members and the witnesses. The clerk will be keeping a list of speakers, so please let her know if you'd like to speak. The chair will recognize speakers, so we're not all chiming in at once. And as you are all aware, there is translation, so use your earpieces if you need that.
Lastly, I'll mention that this is not my normal hair colour, for anyone who thought it was. It's actually about a campaign for a rare disorder. It's called Reddy for a Cure. It's about cystic fibrosis, in honour of Eva Markvoort, a young woman who died recently and who was, unintentionally, a spokesperson. I'm pleased to be part of the campaign in her honour to raise awareness of cystic fibrosis. That's why I mentioned it this morning.
With that, we will start with Peter Brenders. Please introduce yourself.