Yes, there certainly have been.
Our financial management is overseen...we work with Health Canada. Most small agencies in government do not have the large accounting and administration department that large departments would have. This is a matter of efficiency and being able to attract the correct expertise.
In terms of our financial management and audits, financial services are provided by Health Canada to the agency. They prepare financial statements. We share their financial resources; as well, they provide processing of our invoices and related financial transactions, which means that we prepare the invoices, and they then assure, through section 33, that everything is there and is appropriate.
In terms of the audit, we are audited through the Office of the Comptroller General. They have a process in place whereby they audit small departments and small agencies, and yes, we did have a horizontal audit in the fall of 2009. It was a horizontal internal audit of high-risk expenditure controls in small departments and agencies. What that--