To come back to the question Mr. Rosenberg answered, yes, we certainly have details on our website. There are information sheets created for consumers, pharmacists and the industry that have been posted for several months showing the three dates, 2009, March 2010 and December 2010.
In terms of the deadlines, for the rest, about 6,000 applications, we have no deadline as such, but we are in the process of addressing applications made by monograph. The other day I mentioned that we have monographs. Those applications, we complete them, with a final decision that is, within 60 days. That is a fairly respectable performance standard. For the others, somewhat complex applications, products that have several ingredients, for example, or more sophisticated health claims, we are working with our advisory committee, the one I referred to the other day, to develop performance standards. We are in the process of developing something that would still be respectable and reasonable, a performance standard between 90 and 180 days, which is still very respectable, as I said. In fact, the 180 day standard is a figure suggested to us by the industry for this type of more complex application. I admit that we are not there yet at this point. As Mr. Rosenberg said, this is a very complex field. We had a number of applications to deal with, as you undoubtedly know. There had been nearly 47,000 applications received since the regulations came into force and we have completed almost 37,000. So we have really progressed a lot, by completing 78 to 80% of the applications. As I told you, regarding performance standards, we are getting there and we think we can put those standards in place in a few months, with the help of the advisory committee.