It's very difficult to quantify those kinds of opportunities. I should maybe caveat the comments as well, by saying that for some of the therapies that are going to be developed—so we think of bone marrow transplantation as one paradigm—there isn't really a business built around that. It's a procedure that is done in a hospital, and we need to understand exactly how to isolate those cells, how to transplant them, how to give them to a patient. So in those kinds of cases, it's not so much that you're going to generate large numbers of jobs there as that you're going to get cures to patients and return them to economic productivity, and there'll be a benefit to the system from that.
But separately, as new drugs are identified using stem cells as screens to identify those drugs, just as biotech companies start now—discovering jobs through other mechanisms—so biotech companies will spin out in that way. Similarly with cell therapy companies; Geron is a good example. To give some scale there, Geron has brought the first embryonic stem cell therapy to clinic. It has something like 200 employees, I believe, and they've raised over $100 million in venture capital financing just for the development of that single therapy. When you start applying that kind of metric across many different kinds of therapy, you can see that there are going to be a lot more opportunities there.
There are also economic opportunities in other aspects too. There's a fabulous company in Vancouver called STEMCELL Technologies, and they have built their business around, if you like, the picks and shovels of the regenerative medicine business. They provide tools and reagents to companies, and they've grown from a company of 50 to 100 employees 10 years ago to over 400 employees now. They're supplying the regenerative medicine research market.
So there'll be opportunities there. Then you can start thinking about the wider opportunities of different kinds of tissue repair. There are all kinds of different companies that are likely to spin off it and the expertise that you then build as a country in that space.