Well, we're certainly hoping it's going to mitigate. Obviously we're funding a lot of research to understand causes of the disease and to treat it at its roots. We realize this can take time, so in parallel we're really focusing research efforts on early diagnosis, early biomarkers, early imaging markers, which would allow us to treat the disease before substantial neuro-degeneration has occurred.
We believe that if the clinical trials on Alzheimer's disease have not been successful so far, it's because they were carried out on patients who were in stages of the disease that were too far advanced. We believe if we can diagnosis the disease earlier and carry out clinical trials earlier, we will see drugs that allow us to delay the onset of the disease.
Our objective is fairly modest; it is to delay the onset of the disease by five years. But we're talking about huge, huge impacts, both economic and social, if we succeed in doing that.