Safer. So they fall off the bike, but they're wearing a helmet or they're wearing the right gear for whatever sport they're engaged in.
We have made good strides in terms of car seats, but motor vehicle crashes with child passengers remains one of the top three causes of death in Canada. We still have a lot of work to do in terms of getting those known, effective interventions embedded in the Canadian culture.
One of the things we want to do more of in terms of the at-risk populations, like those living in the north, is to learn...because obviously a car seat on a snowmobile is not the right intervention. What we don't know is what does work up there.
So it's what does work, what protective things are those communities already engaging in, and what can we evaluate and engage with them in recommending for those communities? We know they're probably doing things that are keeping their children safe; we just don't know about them, or they haven't been evaluated. There's lots of work still to be done.