Thank you very much for your most interesting presentation.
I wanted to touch upon something that my colleague, Megan, spoke about, an issue that became very personal in our constituency. We had a young woman by the name of Nadia Kajouji, who my colleagues around the table may know of, and perhaps you have heard of, who committed suicide. She was a student here at the University of Ottawa. Her brother, Marc, in her memory, subsequently got involved with a great organization called Your Life Counts, which was founded by Rory Butler. They've done tremendous work trying to reach out to young Canadians, helping them change self-destructive and addictive behaviours.
We've had a chance to meet many, many times with them. They've come forward and presented to an all-party committee as well, and some of the stats they provide are alarming. There are youth 15 to 24 years of age who are dying daily. They found from their research that there is a young person dying almost every 90 minutes, and in an entire year in North America they identify almost a million young kids who are committing suicide.
So when you take a look at all of those stats, and you realize that suicide has become the second leading cause of death amongst youth, it is quite surprising that we don't have a national suicide prevention strategy. And in talking to organizations like Your Life Counts and the tremendous work they're doing, it is also disheartening to hear that they have no funding and no support and no resources being provided.
Now on the question that my colleague had asked, you said that the Mental Health Commission was in the process of it a support mechanism? Is it a national prevention strategy? How is your particular organization with the Public Health Agency of Canada going to be involved? Is the work that the Mental Health Commission is doing going to provide a national strategy? Is there going to be funding put in place? Are there going to be support and resources? And lastly, can organizations such as Your Life Counts expect some coordination or collaboration with government to continue on the great work they're doing?