Thank you for the question.
I can link it back to the anti-drug campaign, which is what we're active on right now with the younger group, and prevention. We're seeing our multimedia approaches are having phenomenal results.
We've just done some survey work to see what kind of impact we're having, and using a combination of social media plus other traditional social marketing impacts, we're seeing that 25% of youth who either saw our ads or went to the Facebook page--a huge majority who saw the ad were driven to the Facebook page. They engaged, and one out of every four said as a result they were going to take some sort of action, whether it be to talk to their parents, look up some information, or consider saying no.
So those are some of the tangible, real results we're seeing when we launch these multimedia campaigns. Certainly the peer-to-peer interactions that we can make happen through social media are greatly impacting and I think improving the sort of impact we're having.