Okay, good. Good to know.
I realize that a lot of this isn't necessarily federal, when you think of recreation. I was on my city council for five years, and I remember looking at all the recreational opportunities. I realize that cities need to engage in that, but it's difficult given their constrained budgets.
I think it is a real challenge, though, with more and more people. I think of my younger cousins who love their video games; 15 years ago there didn't seem to be that same mentality. Take the price of sports equipment; 15 years ago, when you went and bought a hockey stick, it was $10 and it was wooden. Now you look at a row of hockey sticks and you can see the sticks cost $200 to $300. I imagine in most sports you can see that equipment costs have really changed. So that's a prohibitive factor as well.
I guess I just have an open-ended question to close my time. What ideas do you think we could do as a federal government to encourage physical fitness that we're not already doing? Are there any other things that we should be considering?