I don't think there's anything in there that helps children. In fact, one of the concerns with energy drinks is that they mostly have sugar in them, and some electrolytes, and also stimulants. A lot of them have caffeine in them, and guarana, and some other substances.
There's a culture among particularly young boys that you drink these and maybe it will make you perform better in sports or whatever. It's kind of a “tough guy” thing. That's a really unfortunate culture. I know that some school boards, and certainly other countries, are very concerned about kids consuming these energy drinks. They're concerned about the stimulant effect. Some of the ingredients are associated with heart arrhythmia. I think you've heard testimony--it was before your time on this committee--from a father who was concerned about his teenage boy dying prematurely from consuming energy drinks.
Certainly the high calorie consumption--the excess sugar or other caloric sweeteners--is a problem.