Yes, that's right.
You know, I think the trans fat experience was a useful learning experience for me. I was part of that task force as well, and we recommended, along with the Heart and Stroke Foundation and others, including industry, that there be regulations restricting the amount of trans fat that can be used in foods from the partially hydrogenated sources, the synthetic.
We sort of assumed, with such broad consensus that this was the way to go, that it would just happen within weeks or months that the regulations would be promulgated, the draft regulations. That didn't happen. A year passed. Then the minister said, well, let's wait another two years. Now it's almost four years. I kind of regret that as health advocates we weren't more vigilant about pressing the government's feet to the fire on implementing those recommendations.
I feel the same way about sodium. The Sodium Working Group, as far as I know, doesn't exist anymore. We were thanked for our service in December, and Health Canada started referring to it in the past tense. I don't know what's going to happen now.