Thank you for that question.
The idea is that some of the nutrition labelling information currently provided on packaging is perhaps a little difficult to understand. Providing people with information that says that this meets 12% of your recommended daily allowance for X nutrient doesn't compute for people in terms of planning their eating throughout the day. Instead, you could have something that identifies perhaps five categories of nutrition information and then say red light, yellow light, green light. A product might have a green light for its sodium concentration but at the same time receive a yellow light for calories and a red light for transfats. You would label the outside of the package.
I mean, if I had my way, we would get rid of processed and pre-made food altogether, and everybody would buy natural food. But since we have a culture that is used to eating things that are made for it and produced ahead of time, one of the things we're looking for is an easy way for people to visually get the information they need so that they don't have to have a grade ten equivalent in chemistry or nutrition to understand the nutrition information on the package. Make it simple so that people understand what it is they're buying.