I do have some studies on physical activities. Canadian kids are doing relatively well compared to others internationally, but I would say, based on the newly released studies from Stats Canada--the community health measurement survey--that what we're realizing is that for kids as well as adults, because it's self-reported information, it seems that people tend to overestimate how much moderate to vigorous activity they do.
So in fact you're seeing 60% of the kids reporting that they do, but when you measure it, really you're seeing that there is about 14% or 7%, depending on if you go from moderate to high. We have a long way to go, because there's a misunderstanding of what “moderate to vigorous” is.
We need a whole lot more of the easily devised tools that people can wear and that would objectively tell you that you are doing the right thing--like pedometers. But Canada is a leader in that field, and internationally we seem to be a little ahead in the measurement, so--