Sure, I'd be happy to answer that question.
We were represented on the group. We understood when we joined the group that the mandate was to develop a sodium reduction strategy, which is what the group did. It was a huge undertaking. It took up a huge amount of the time of the representative from our association. We weren't expecting.... We thought that after the report was delivered, that was going to be it.
I was very concerned. In fact, I wrote a letter to the editor about the Carly Weeks' article in the Globe and Mail that insinuated that the brakes have been put on the sodium reduction strategy with the dissolution of the task force.
I had all kinds of calls from my members asking what was going on, and I said that nothing had changed. We're still implementing the strategy. Nothing has changed in terms of the implementation of the strategy. The FRAC committee is now the advisory body.
There were also suggestions in the paper that it was dominated by industry. Two out of the nineteen members of the FRAC are from industry.
I think members of this committee need to be reassured that the sodium working group strategy is moving ahead. There is a huge amount of effort going into implementing that strategy.