Thank you very much.
I'm about to suggest something that may give you some ideas. I'm going to ask you all a question, and I hope you keep the answer short.
We tax the bejabbers out of tobacco and what do we get? We get a huge black market so that kids can buy cigarettes almost in the schoolyard for less than 5¢ a piece. I'm all for taxation of tobacco, but we have to get the right level.
Most of the first nations territories, and in the territories I worked in along James Bay and Hudson Bay, don't permit alcohol. What do they do? They sniff gas and stuff. I'm not against taxing all those other things, but I am about trying to find solutions.
We can tax the bejabbers out of salt and sugar and all those other things, and we talk about taxes, but I don't care what government or where, if they put too much tax on, they're out and somebody else comes in.
I have a novel idea to help raise money for the Cancer Society and to help promote good ideas, and the Canadian Chiropractic Association might have the answer for me. When I go shopping for a mattress, I see on the mattress that it might be approved by the Canadian Chiropractic Association. Am I right that you wouldn't permit that logo to go on there unless you stood behind the product?