Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I want to thank the witnesses for being here today. My background is that I am very much into healthy living. I'm one of these guys who also reads labels, tries to get exercise, and looks at a balanced lifestyle. We've seen from our testimony that people are trying to label foods as healthy versus non-healthy. I think VĂ©ronique just said that we have to get away from the good and the bad and look more at informed choices. It seems that some people like to look at diets just in silos.
Mr. Hunter, you represent canola, which is a fat. In other words, we've heard a lot of people saying fat is bad, but every cell of your body needs fat. Fat is necessary. Fat is something that every human being needs to survive.
Could you comment on the role that research and education needs to play in encouraging nutrition, instead of having these silos of good and bad type of thing? Could you comment on the work that you're doing with research and education?