I just want to highlight that New Brunswick and most of the provinces now have the nutrition school guidelines for vending machines, cafeterias, and those kinds of things. Ontario is rolling theirs out this fall. We're actively engaged in those discussions. B.C. is doing their review this spring. It's interesting that Quebec was one of the first provinces that really looked at this.
It's a great initiative, and it needs to be backed up with education and reinforcement as to why it's important. One of the things we saw in Quebec was that businesses on four wheels were showing up at the edges of school properties at lunch time. There's always a way. Anybody who has children knows that they can be very creative and be selling stuff out of their lockers in a lot of cases.
Those are very positive initiatives that we've been a part of and that we support across the country. It also goes back to the whole idea of education and positive reinforcement about why foods are good for you, as opposed to always focusing on the negative and what's bad.