I brought a sheet on NuVal that I printed this morning. Price Chopper purchased this system in the United States. I would not go so far as to say that the NuVal system is perfect. NuVal contains 16 pages of calculations about a large number of nutrients and assigns a score. For example, broccoli would get a score of 100. This system enables you to compare similar products and to rate them. For instance, here we have three types of chips with scores ranging from 18 to 38, depending on the type of oil used, the quantity of salt and other factors.
There are also simplified nutritional tables such as the traffic light labelling system. Those are two sources of information that we could include on the products.
So there are several tools available. I am not suggesting one in particular, but this one is really being increasingly used in United States now. I think that it would be worthwhile studying it. It is certainly not perfect either. Since nothing is standardized, there is a vacuum, which basically allows Kraft and Nestlé to come up with their own logos. That in turn results in endless confusion. So we need to fill the gap, otherwise, in my opinion, nothing will be done.