Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
According to Ms. Jobin, one way to improve the nutrition facts on foods is to standardize serving sizes. Currently, in fact, consumers are unable to compare two products on the same shelf. So, when they are buying cereal, cookies or crackers, they cannot compare nutrition facts because the serving size is different.
Last Tuesday, we had Mr. Duhamel, from Dietitians of Canada, before us. He was saying that the issue was quite simple and we could address it rather quickly. Mr. Sherwood, from Refreshments Canada, also said that it could be done relatively easily by his industry.
Mr. Nighbor, can you tell us whether the members of your association intend to quickly adopt this solution? It is not a panacea, but it is relatively simple and gives users and consumers a tool so they may more easily compare products they are purchasing within a category of similar products.