Given the scientific data on the subject, Health Canada is quite aware of the possible side effects of aspartame. If consumed in moderation, I do not believe that there is any reason to worry. However, more and more foods contain it. Consumers should perhaps be asking questions about the number of foods with aspartame that they consume rather than simply saying that there is no problem because they drink only one can of Coke per day and they would have to drink 10 cans in order to exceed the daily maximum of aspartame. The fact is that many other foods contain aspartame.
As for diet soft drinks, my concern is that they get people craving the taste of sugar. That is the problem we have to try to eliminate. Moreover, they cause a lot of cavities in children and do nothing to satisfy hunger. Diet drinks are often consumed with foods high in calories. These are the dietary habits that come from drinking diet Coke. You normally do not eat a fruit salad when you are drinking diet Coke. You usually have fries, chips, a hamburger, etc. Those are the harmful habits. By continuing to drink diet soft drinks, we are supporting those habits.