I'll just qualify your ending statement. Everything poses a risk, but the question becomes can we manage the risk? There's lots of effort put into managing the risk.
On your other question, about use of antimicrobials and the impact on resistance--I think that's what it boils down to--the different uses are treatment, prevention, control, and growth promotion. Across any of those applications, the use of any microbials--and I'll eliminate the ionophores from that equation--have the potential to create resistance. The question is, how do we manage that situation?
We manage it through different methods. There is the labelling of the product. We go through the review process. I talked about that as a control. Also is the fact that a lot of the newer products critically important to humans are prescription-only, under veterinary prescription. There has to be a veterinary client-patient relationship. There are prudent-use guidelines that they're following. We also have the producer groups with quality assurance programs that look at maintaining the quality of the product at the farm level right through to the table.