The pandemic plan itself, while it's focused around pandemics of influenza, takes an all-hazard approach in terms of any range of infectious diseases, building the systems, whether it's surveillance or others, to be able to respond to whatever we might face, or other public health emergencies as well.
In terms of the surveillance and the AG's report, when she reviewed, as an agency we'd just got started, so we're building that. We continue to build the surveillance systems, working with the provinces and territories. As we saw with H1N1 and with other events, we actually get good data and good information from the provinces. That's continuing to improve. On the non-infectious side, for example, there's the development of the MS system, which we talked about yesterday. We do have an ongoing relationship with the provinces and we work with them through multiple committees, etc., that actually address the intent and the issues you're speaking to.