I'm getting a nod for Dr. Bowmer.
I'm speaking now in the context of being an associate dean, undergraduate medical education, and I look at Dr. Bowmer as a previous dean, as he's mentioned, so I'm careful how I answer. This is not specific to my presentation about the northern medical unit and northern health care.
Capacity is a significant issue. As the Canadian medical schools and a new Canadian school have entered into the situation, as the number of undergraduate medical students is being very significantly increased, and there's a concomitant increase in the number of post-graduate training positions, there are huge challenges in the capacity of the health care system to educate those individuals and attain standards of quality education as reviewed by our undergraduate accrediting agencies and our post-graduate accrediting bodies. That might be explored by this committee with other leadership in undergraduate and post-graduate education. And this is not solely in medicine, but as faculties of medicine embrace education of other health professionals, whether they be physician assistants, nurse practitioners, or advanced skills in others, there are issues of capacity.