In looking for exactly that kind of capacity and doing a very detailed assessment of GMP capabilities and quality aspects a few years ago, we came down to a very small number. There was one in Germany where the German government had invested a large sum of money to make a very nice, modern facility. They had implemented GMPs quite well, but needed help from us to make it better. That was basically an economic development project in old East Germany. There was also one in Vienna. In fact, it was only good for the very earliest stage, not even for production of the vaccine per se, but essentially for laboratory work, as they had some exquisite small labs.
We were strapped looking for places, though there was also one in southern California that we used. So there we were, running all over the world trying to solve the problem. We visited many, many places, but very few qualified.
Today, there are maybe a couple more. There's a group of places under one ownership in St. Louis that might be able to do some of this, but in that case there's a capacity, cost, and scheduling question. There's also one in Rockville, Maryland, that I was involved in setting up, funded by the Gates Foundation. However, it's only for bacterial vaccines and it's pretty much dedicated to tuberculosis. After that it gets really thin.