We have data and the statistical profile. You can find this statistical profile of francophones in Canada if you go to the federation's website. Curiously enough, the health indicators show first that the francophone seniors are much more disadvantaged when it comes to their income than the general population, even in Quebec. Also, studies have been done, and it seems that there are more francophone seniors who are single, separated or who live alone than in the general population. We also have other indications that the education level of the francophone population is lower.
So we know that these francophones are, to some degree, much more at risk. Naturally, there is work to be done in that respect. So we need prevention services, which is what my colleagues have strongly insisted on. I think we must not be afraid of speaking to target clienteles. You just spoke about aboriginals, who are a target clientele under the federal government's responsibility. I think the government must play an important role in this respect.