No, in fact we were partnering with the Yee Hong home to provide some caregiver support seminars. You don't really know what you don't know until you have to confront it. Do you know how to help somebody with a broken hip? Can you change a bed with somebody in it? Do you know how to handle dosing of medications? Most people go through their lives never knowing that or needing to know that, and suddenly they are obliged to take on the care of someone who is, by definition, more frail, and any mistake could be fatal.
What we're calling for, which we don't see a lot of or a systematized delivery of, is caregiver support in the form of training and education and constant support. That, to my knowledge, doesn't truly exist in a formalized way. We are also calling for navigators to help caregivers navigate the health care system. Again, it's a system they didn't need to access for themselves right away. These are ways in which the formal health care system can help us help them by simply providing information and support in training.