If I can address the Therapeutics Initiative, I think that for some of the work this initiative has traditionally done, the common drug review is sort of doing some of that work now. However, I think it is important that we look at aspects of the work of the Therapeutics Initiative at a provincial level.
One of the things we've called for in successive submissions to the finance committee is funding for what we've called a national medication management centre. We have quite a lot of information relating to drugs. We have CADTH. We have CIHI. We have PMPRB doing their stuff. There's a lot of work and a lot of data that gets gathered. I think we need to look at better ways of actually getting it utilized at the provincial level.
I think you could imagine a network of centres at a provincial level, similar to the Therapeutics Initiative, but perhaps doing less on drug evaluation and more on playing their role in the academic detailing of physicians to improve prescribing outcomes. I think there would really be merit in looking at some sort of national network of such centres.